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miKids is a term policy that guarantees a steady stream of income for your kids in the unfortunate event of your death, total permanent disability or diagnoses of a covered critical illness. Each year, the policy will pay out your pre-selected amount to help cover the educational expenses of your child until the policy term ends.

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Who is this Policy for?
Anyone who is interested in the academic progress of their children.
Anyone who is responsible for their children’s school fees.
Anyone who wants their children to achieve their dreams, even in their absence.
You will have to be between the ages of 18 years and 56 years to purchase this policy.
Cover and Benefits
A standard miKids plan provides cover against death and total permanent disability, while a comprehensive miKids plan provides cover against death, total permanent disability and named critical illness.
If you happen to pass on, become totally permanently disabled or suffer from a named critical illness, miLife will pay your pre-selected sum assured at the beginning of each school term or semester (maximum of 3x a year) until the expiration of the policy, to help fund the education of your kids.
How the Policy Works
The policy is designed to last for any period from 3 years to 18 years.
At the time of purchase of this policy, you select how long you want to be covered for and your desired level of cover, which determines your monthly premium.
Premium Payment
Premium payment starts at the purchase of the policy and ceases at the end of the selected term.
Other Features
To protect your benefits against inflation, the policy includes a 10% automatic premium adjustment and a 7.5% benefit adjustment, to be applied annually.
A cashback benefit of 5% of annual premiums will be paid back to you at each policy anniversary, provided no claim is made.
Optional Benefits
You may choose to make additional premium contributions towards a purely investment account.
Advantage of this plan
miKids gives you the power to secure your kids’ education

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